Personal Injury News

T-boned at 30 mph: Legal Considerations for Accident Victims

Written by MARIO PALERMO | Aug 7, 2023 5:03:12 PM

Being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic experience, often resulting in physical injuries, emotional distress, and financial burdens. For victims who find themselves T-boned in a car collision at a speed of 30 mph, the consequences can be severe. In this post, we will explore the legal considerations that accident victims should be aware of, focusing on their rights, potential claims, and the importance of seeking legal representation.

Factors in a personal injury case

Establishing Liability: The first step in any personal injury case is determining liability. In a T-bone car accident, liability typically rests on the driver who failed to yield the right of way. This could be due to running a red light, failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign, or disregarding traffic rules and making a move into oncoming traffic. To establish liability, accident victims should gather evidence such as witness statements, photographs, CCTV footage, and police reports. These pieces of evidence will help prove the negligence of the at-fault driver.

Comparative Negligence: It is crucial to note that in some cases, accident victims may bear partial responsibility for the collision. Comparative negligence laws vary by jurisdiction, but in states that follow this principle, compensation may be reduced based on the percentage of fault assigned to the victim. For instance, if the victim is found to be 20% at fault, their potential compensation may be reduced by 20%. In Illinois, an injured person cannot recover anything if he is over 50% at fault. Therefore, accident victims should be prepared for the possibility of shared liability and work with an attorney to navigate this aspect of the legal process.

Insurance Claims: After a T-bone crash, victims should promptly notify their insurance company to initiate the claims process. Insurance policies often require timely reporting of accidents, and failure to do so may result in a denial of coverage. It is essential to provide accurate information, including a detailed account of the accident and any injuries sustained. However, it is important to remember that insurance companies are profit-driven entities, and their primary goal is to minimize payouts. Therefore, accident victims should exercise caution when dealing with insurance adjusters and seek legal advice before accepting any settlement offers.

Potential Personal Injury Claims: In addition to insurance claims, accident victims may be entitled to seek compensation through personal injury lawsuits. Personal injury claims arise when negligence on the part of another party causes harm or injury. In a T-bone accident, victims may pursue various claims, including:

a) Negligence: Proving that the at-fault driver breached their duty of care by failing to yield the right of way, resulting in the collision and subsequent injuries.

b) Product Liability: If a defective vehicle part or malfunction contributed to the accident, accident victims may hold the manufacturer, distributor, or seller of the faulty part liable.

c) Premises Liability: If the accident occurred on poorly maintained roads, in parking lots, or on private property, accident victims may have a premises liability claim against the property owner or manager.

d) Wrongful Death: In tragic cases where the T-bone accident results in the death of a loved one, surviving family members may pursue a wrongful death claim against the responsible party.

Damages and Compensation: When seeking compensation for injuries sustained in a T-bone accident, accident victims may be eligible for various types of damages, including:

a) Medical Expenses: Compensation for past, current, and future medical bills, including hospitalization, surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and rehabilitation.

b) Lost Wages: Reimbursement for income lost due to the inability to work during recovery. This includes both current and future lost earnings.

c) Property Damage: Compensation for vehicle repair or replacement costs, as well as any personal property damaged in the accident.

d) Pain and Suffering: Non-economic damages for physical pain, emotional distress, mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment of life.

e) Punitive Damages: In cases where the at-fault driver's actions were particularly egregious or intentional, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar conduct.

Common injuries from t-bone collisions at 30mph

T-Bone collisions, also known as side-impact crashes, can be among the most dangerous types of motor vehicle accidents. Although rear-end and front-end automotive collisions can still be very dangerous, crash tests show that side-impact collisions, especially on the driver’s side, tend to have a higher risk of serious injuries, such as head injuries or back injuries, than head on collisions.

When two vehicles collide perpendicularly, the impact can cause severe injuries to occupants, especially at high speeds. In this article, we will explore the common injuries associated with being T-boned at 30mph and the importance of safety precautions to mitigate their impact.

1. Whiplash: Whiplash is one of the most frequently reported injuries in T-bone collisions. The sudden impact from the side can cause the head and neck to jerk forcefully, resulting in strained muscles and ligaments. Symptoms may include neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and reduced range of motion.

2. Fractures and Broken Bones: At 30mph, the force of impact can cause bones to break due to the lack of protective structures on the sides of vehicles. Common fractures include ribs, collarbones, arms, and legs, which can lead to prolonged recovery periods and potential complications.

3. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): The jarring motion during a side-impact crash can cause the brain to collide with the skull, resulting in traumatic brain injuries. These injuries can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage, leading to long-term cognitive and neurological impairments.

4. Internal Organ Injuries: T-bone collisions can also cause internal injuries, even without visible external wounds. The impact can compress organs against the ribcage or cause them to rupture, leading to serious and sometimes life-threatening conditions.

5. Spinal Cord Injuries: Severe T-bone accidents can cause damage to the spinal cord, resulting in partial or complete paralysis. The location and extent of the injury determine the impact on motor and sensory functions.

6. Soft Tissue Injuries: Aside from whiplash, T-bone collisions can cause bruises, sprains, and strains in soft tissues like muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These injuries may not be immediately apparent but can cause pain and discomfort over time.

Prevention and safety measures

While accidents can happen unexpectedly, some safety measures can reduce the risk of injuries in T-bone collisions:

1. Proper Seatbelt Use: Always wear seatbelts, as they significantly reduce the risk of ejection and can prevent severe injuries.

2. Side Airbags: Vehicles equipped with side airbags can provide an added layer of protection during a T-bone collision.

3. Defensive Driving: Being aware of surroundings and anticipating potential hazards can help avoid accidents.

4. Safe Driving Speed: Adhering to speed limits and driving at safe speeds can reduce the severity of injuries in case of a collision.

T-Bone collisions at 30mph can result in a range of injuries, from minor to life-altering. Understanding the potential risks and taking necessary precautions can make a significant difference in minimizing harm during such accidents. However, it is essential to remember that even with all precautions taken, accidents can still occur. If you or someone you know experiences a T-bone collision, seeking medical attention promptly is crucial to assess and treat any injuries effectively.

Steps to take after an accident 

Being T-boned in a car crash at 30 mph can have devastating consequences for accident victims. However, understanding the legal considerations and rights available is crucial to achieving a fair resolution. Seeking legal representation from an experienced personal injury attorney is strongly advised to navigate the complex legal process, establish liability, negotiate with insurance companies, and pursue appropriate compensation. By doing so, accident victims can work towards rebuilding their lives and securing the justice they deserve.

Immediate Steps after the Accident: After a T-bone accident, victims must prioritize their safety and health, and then take specific steps to protect their legal rights. Here are five critical actions victims should take immediately after the accident:

1) Seek Medical Attention: First and foremost, victims should seek immediate medical attention, even if they believe their injuries are minor. Some injuries are not immediately apparent and may manifest days or even weeks later. Prompt medical attention ensures the injuries are documented, establishing a direct link between the accident and the injuries, which is crucial when seeking compensation.

2) Notify the Authorities: Victims should immediately report the accident to law enforcement. A police report provides an unbiased third-party account of the accident, which can be valuable when establishing liability.

3) Document the Scene: If possible, victims should take photographs or videos of the accident scene, the vehicles involved, and any visible injuries. This documentation can serve as vital evidence in legal proceedings or insurance claims.

4) Obtain Witness Information: If there are any witnesses, victims should try to obtain their contact information. Witness statements can corroborate the victim's account of the accident and help in establishing the other driver's negligence.

5) Contact a Personal Injury Attorney: Early legal counsel can help victims navigate the complex legal and insurance processes. An attorney can advise victims on their rights, potential claims, and guide them through the process of seeking compensation.

Dealing with insurance companies

Insurance companies often employ tactics to limit their financial liability and minimize payout to accident victims. Some common strategies include:

1) Quick Settlement Offers: Insurance companies often rush victims into accepting a settlement offer before they fully understand the extent of their injuries or the worth of their claim.

2) Denying Liability: Insurance adjusters may dispute liability, arguing that their insured driver was not at fault, or that the victim shared some of the blame for the accident.

3) Downplaying Injuries: Adjusters may also attempt to downplay the severity of the victim’s injuries or argue that the injuries were pre-existing and not caused by the accident.

4) Requesting Recorded Statements: Insurance companies may ask victims for a recorded statement, hoping they might say something that could be used against them to deny or minimize their claim.

To avoid falling prey to such tactics, accident victims should:

1) Avoid Signing or Accepting Anything without Legal Advice: Victims should never agree to a settlement or sign any documentation without consulting with an attorney. An attorney will ensure that the settlement offer adequately compensates the victim for their injuries and losses.

2) Refrain from Providing a Recorded Statement: Without legal representation present, victims should decline to give recorded statements to insurance adjusters. Anything said could be manipulated and used against the victim.

3) Keep Detailed Records: Victims should keep a detailed record of medical treatments, lost wages, and any other accident-related expenses. This documentation helps in calculating a fair settlement.

4) Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer: An experienced personal injury lawyer can negotiate with insurance companies on the victim’s behalf, ensuring that they receive the maximum compensation they deserve. The lawyer’s knowledge and experience can be invaluable in dealing with insurance company tactics.

The aftermath of a T-bone accident can be overwhelming, but taking the right steps can significantly impact the victim's ability to receive fair compensation. Obtaining medical treatment, documenting the scene, and involving a personal injury attorney are vital. It is equally important to be aware of the tactics insurance companies may use to limit their payout and how to counteract them. By understanding these considerations, victims can protect their rights and take control of their path to recovery. Many accident victims can have a lengthy and painful road to recovery with overwhelming medical expenses, loss of wages, and/or permanent disfigurement and disability.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, there are various laws that can help you or a deceased victim’s family receive compensation. Don't hesitate to contact our law firm for a free consultation. Our experienced car accident attorney can help you understand the various laws that can help you or a deceased victim’s family receive compensation. Call Palermo Law Group today at (630)684-2332 to consult with nationally recognized personal injury lawyer, Mario Palermo regarding your accident case and to the best approach to obtaining compensation for your injuries.

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