Personal Injury News

My Neighbor's Dog Bit Me What Should I Do?

Written by MARIO PALERMO | Jul 18, 2023 5:05:43 PM


Getting bitten by a dog can be a traumatic experience, and it's essential to know your rights and the necessary steps to take after such an incident. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation where you're wondering "My neighbor's dog bit me, what should I do?", this blog post aims to provide you with valuable guidance. Remember, your health and well-being are of utmost importance, so taking appropriate actions is crucial.

What Should I Do Following a Dog Bite?

No one ever wants to have to tell someone, "my neighbors dog bit me", but unfortunately, each day, more than 1,000 Americans require emergency care for dog bite injuries, which is why it is essential to know what to do following a dog bite. 

1. Seek Medical Attention:  Immediately after a dog bite, prioritize your health and safety. Even if the injury seems minor, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly. Dog bites can lead to infections, nerve damage, or other complications that may not be immediately apparent. A medical professional can evaluate your injury, administer appropriate treatment, and provide documentation of your injuries, which can be vital if you decide to pursue legal action.

2. Gather Information: Once you've received necessary medical care, gather as much information as possible about the incident. Document the details, including the date, time, and location of the dog bite, along with the circumstances leading up to the incident. Identify any witnesses who may have observed the attack and ask for their contact information. Additionally, take photographs of your injuries, as visual evidence can significantly support your case.

3. Report the Incident: It's important to report the dog bite incident to the appropriate authorities. Contact your local animal control or non-emergency police line to file a report. Provide them with all the information you have gathered, including details about the dog and its owner. Reporting the incident helps ensure that the dog is properly assessed for potential risks and may prevent future incidents involving the same dog.

4. Communicate with Your Neighbor: Once you've addressed your immediate medical needs and reported the incident, consider speaking with your neighbor about what happened. Approach the conversation calmly and objectively, expressing your concerns about the incident and the need for responsible pet ownership. Be open to resolving the matter amicably, but always prioritize your safety and well-being.

5. Preserve Evidence: Preserving evidence is crucial if you plan to take legal action. Retain copies of all relevant documents, including medical records, bills, photographs of your injuries, and any correspondence related to the incident. These pieces of evidence can help establish liability and support your claim for compensation if you decide to pursue legal action.

6. Consult with a Personal Injury Lawyer: To ensure you understand your rights and legal options, it is advisable to consult with a personal injury lawyer experienced in dog bite cases. They can evaluate your situation, guide you through the legal process, and help you seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain, suffering, and other damages you may have incurred.

7. Understand Liability Laws: Dog bite laws and liability can vary depending on your jurisdiction. In some areas, dog owners may be held strictly liable for their dogs' actions, regardless of prior knowledge or the dog's history. In others, negligence or prior knowledge of the dog's aggressive tendencies may need to be proven. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you understand the specific laws applicable to your case.

8. File a Personal Injury Claim: If you decide to pursue legal action, your lawyer can assist you in filing a personal injury claim against the dog owner's insurance company or in civil court. They will gather evidence, build a strong case, and advocate for your rights. Remember, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims varies by jurisdiction, so it's essential to take prompt action.

Being bitten by a neighbor's dog can be a distressing experience, but knowing the right steps to take can help protect your interests. Prioritize your health, gather evidence, report the incident, communicate with your neighbor, and consult with a personal injury lawyer to understand your legal options. By taking these steps, you can seek compensation for your injuries and ensure that responsible pet ownership is encouraged within your community. Remember, professional legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances is invaluable in navigating this complex process.

Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer: Seeking Compensation and Justice

While it may be tempting to handle your dog bite claim directly with the insurance company, working with a personal injury lawyer can significantly benefit your case. Here's why:

1. Experience and Legal Expertise: Personal injury lawyers specialize in handling cases like yours. They have in-depth knowledge of the legal system, including dog bite laws, liability, and insurance practices. Their expertise allows them to navigate the complexities of your case, build a strong argument, and advocate for your rights effectively.

2. Maximizing Compensation: Insurance companies often try to minimize the amount they pay in claims. When you work with a personal injury lawyer, they will fight to ensure you receive fair and just compensation for your injuries. They will assess the full extent of your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain, suffering, and future medical needs, to determine the true value of your claim.

3. Negotiation Skills: Insurance companies have teams of adjusters and attorneys whose goal is to protect their interests and minimize payouts. Dealing with them directly can put you at a disadvantage. Personal injury lawyers are skilled negotiators who understand the tactics used by insurance companies. They will negotiate on your behalf, using their expertise to secure the best possible settlement for you.

4. Gathering Evidence and Building a Strong Case: To establish liability and ensure a successful claim, substantial evidence is crucial. Personal injury lawyers have the resources and experience to gather and analyze evidence effectively. They can access expert witnesses, review medical records, consult with professionals, and reconstruct the incident if necessary. Building a robust case strengthens your position and increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

5. Dealing with Insurance Company Tactics: Insurance companies often employ various tactics to undermine your claim and reduce compensation. These tactics may include downplaying the severity of your injuries, arguing that you provoked the dog, or disputing liability. Personal injury lawyers are familiar with these tactics and can counter them effectively. They will protect your rights and ensure that the insurance company does not take advantage of your situation.

6. Court Representation: If your case proceeds to trial, having a personal injury lawyer by your side is crucial. They will prepare your case for court, present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and provide skilled representation in front of a judge and jury. Their courtroom experience will ensure that your rights are protected, and you have the best chance of obtaining a favorable verdict.

7. Contingency Fee Arrangement: Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case. This arrangement allows you to pursue your claim without worrying about upfront legal fees. Your lawyer's payment is typically a percentage of the settlement or verdict, ensuring they are motivated to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Choosing the right dog bite attorney is essential to ensure you you receive the help you deserve. Find out how


Dog Bite Laws in Illinois: Protection for Injured Victims

In the state of Illinois, specific laws are in place to protect victims of dog bites. Understanding these laws is crucial for injured individuals seeking compensation. Let's delve into the key aspects of dog bite laws in Illinois and how they affect victims:

1. Strict Liability: Illinois follows a strict liability rule when it comes to dog bites. According to the Illinois Animal Control Act, dog owners are held strictly liable for injuries caused by their dogs biting someone, regardless of the dog's previous behavior or the owner's knowledge of such behavior. This means that as an injured victim, you are generally protected by the law and have a legal basis to pursue compensation.

2. "One-Bite" Rule: Unlike some other states, Illinois does not follow the "one-bite" rule. Under this rule, dog owners are only held liable if they were aware of their dog's aggressive tendencies or if the dog had previously bitten someone. In Illinois, the one-bite rule does not absolve the owner of liability. Even if the dog has never bitten anyone before, the owner is still responsible for the injuries caused by their dog's bite.

3. Statute of Limitations: In Illinois, there is a statute of limitations that restricts the time within which a dog bite claim can be filed. Generally, a personal injury lawsuit must be filed within two years from the date of the dog bite incident. Failing to file a claim within this timeframe may result in the loss of your right to seek compensation. Consulting with a personal injury lawyer promptly after the incident is crucial to ensure compliance with the statute of limitations.

4. Comparative Negligence: Illinois follows the principle of comparative negligence in dog bite cases. This means that if it is found that the injured person bears some responsibility for the incident, their compensation may be reduced accordingly. For example, if the injured person provoked the dog or trespassed on the owner's property, their compensation may be reduced based on their percentage of fault. However, Illinois operates under a modified comparative negligence system, which means that an injured victim can still recover compensation as long as their fault is less than 51%.

5. Exceptions to Liability: There are some exceptions to the strict liability rule in Illinois. If the injured person was trespassing on private property at the time of the dog bite or was provoking the dog, the dog owner may have a valid defense against liability. However, it's important to note that these exceptions can be complex, and the specific circumstances of each case should be thoroughly evaluated by a personal injury lawyer.

6. Insurance Coverage: Homeowners' insurance policies often provide coverage for dog bite injuries. If the dog owner has homeowner's insurance, you may be able to seek compensation through their insurance company. A personal injury lawyer can help navigate the insurance claim process and negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

Illinois dog bite laws generally provide protection for injured victims. The strict liability rule holds dog owners accountable for their dogs' actions, irrespective of prior behavior. However, certain exceptions and the principle of comparative negligence can impact the amount of compensation awarded. Seeking legal guidance from a personal injury lawyer experienced in dog bite cases is essential to understand the specific application of these laws to your situation and to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.