Personal Injury News

Injured in a Dog Attack? Here's What a Dog Bite Injuries Lawyer Can Do for You

Written by MARIO PALERMO | May 5, 2023 9:21:17 PM


Dog attacks can be traumatic experiences that leave victims with physical and emotional scars. If you or one of your loved ones have been injured in a dog attack, you may be considering seeking out a dog bite injuries lawyer. Navigating the ins and outs of dog bite claims can be difficult, so today we’re discussing what a dog bite injuries lawyer can do for you.

What does a dog bite injuries lawyer do?

Here's what a dog bite injuries lawyer can do for you:

  1. Assess Your Case: A dog bite injuries lawyer can review your case and determine if you have a valid claim. They can assess the extent of your injuries, the circumstances of the attack, and the liability of the dog owner.

  2. Investigate the Attack: A dog bite injuries lawyer can gather evidence and witness statements to build a strong case. They can also obtain medical records and reports to document the extent of your injuries.

  3. Negotiate with Insurance Companies: A dog bite injuries lawyer can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf. They can help you obtain compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain, and suffering.

  4. Represent You in Court: If necessary, a dog bite injuries lawyer can represent you in court. They can argue your case, present evidence, and fight for your rights.

  5. Provide Legal Advice: A dog bite injury lawyer can provide legal advice throughout the process. They can explain your legal rights, answer your questions, and guide you through the legal system.

  6. Navigate insurance company tactics: Insurance companies often use tactics to try to minimize the amount of compensation they have to pay out. A lawyer can help you navigate these tactics and ensure that you obtain fair financial compensation for the injuries you have suffered.

  7. Work on a contingency fee basis: Dog bite injury lawyers typically work on a contingency fee basis. That means they do not get paid until they win your case. This can be helpful if you are worried about the cost of hiring a lawyer.

A dog bite injuries lawyer can help you recover compensation for your injuries and hold the dog owner accountable. If you or a loved one has been injured in a dog attack, do not hesitate to seek the advice of a qualified lawyer.

Dog bite injury challenges that a lawyer can address

Dog bite injuries can be severe, and the recovery process can be long and costly. Even if you have insurance, the expenses can quickly add up, and the insurance company may not be willing to pay the full amount. This is where a dog bite injuries lawyer can help.

Attorneys who specialize in dog bite injuries understand the complexities of these cases and can help you navigate the legal system. They can handle the details of your case, including gathering evidence, negotiating with insurance companies, and representing you in court if necessary.

One of the biggest challenges when dealing with insurance companies is that they often try to minimize the amount of compensation they pay out. They may try to argue that the victim was at fault for the attack, or that the injuries were not as severe as claimed. They may also offer a low settlement amount that does not cover all of the victim's expenses.

A dog bite injuries lawyer can help you deal with these challenges. They can present evidence that shows the dog was aggressive or that the owner was negligent. They can also negotiate with the insurance company to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

If the insurance company refuses to pay a fair settlement, a dog bite injuries lawyer can take your case to court. They can argue your case before a judge and jury, presenting evidence and making a compelling case for the damages you are entitled to.

Navigating insurance companies: What not to do

When dealing with an insurance company following a dog bite attack, it is important to be cautious about what you say and do. Here are some things to avoid:

1. Do not accept the first settlement offer: Insurance companies often make lowball settlement offers in the hope that the victim will accept them without question. It is important to consult with a dog bite injuries lawyer before accepting any settlement offer.

2. Do not give a recorded statement: Insurance companies may ask for a recorded statement about the attack. It is important to consult with a lawyer before giving any statement, as anything you say can be used against you.

3. Do not sign any documents without consulting a lawyer: Insurance companies may ask you to sign documents that waive your right to sue or limit the amount of compensation you can receive. It is important to have a lawyer review any documents before signing them.

4. Do not post about the attack on social media: Insurance companies may monitor social media accounts for information that can be used to dispute a claim. It is important to avoid posting anything about the attack or your injuries on social media.

5. Do not delay seeking medical attention: Insurance companies may argue that the victim's injuries were not as severe as claimed if they delayed seeking medical care. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible after a dog bite attack.

Dealing with an insurance company following a dog bite attack can be challenging. It is important to be cautious about what you say and do, and to consult with a dog bite injuries lawyer before accepting any settlement offer or signing any documents.

Case assessments: What do dog bite attorneys look for?

Wonder if you have a case? Personal injury attorneys assess whether or not they will take your case based on several factors. Here are some of the things they will consider:

1. Liability: The lawyer will assess who is liable for the attack. In most dog bite lawsuits, the owner of the dog is responsible for the attack and the resulting injuries. However, if someone other than the owner was responsible for the attack, the lawyer will need to determine who that person is.

2. Severity of injuries: The lawyer will consider the severity of your injuries, including the medical treatment you received and any long-term effects of the attack. Cases with more severe injuries are generally more likely to be taken on by a lawyer.

3. Insurance coverage: An experienced dog bite lawyer will need to determine whether the dog owner has insurance coverage that will cover the damages resulting from the attack. If the owner does not have insurance, it may be more difficult to recover compensation.

4. Evidence: The lawyer will assess the evidence available to support your case. This may include medical records, witness statements, and photographs of the injuries and the scene of the attack.

5. Time limitations: There are time limitations for filing a dog bite injury claim, and the lawyer will need to determine whether your claim is still within the statute of limitations.

Based on these factors, the dog bite injuries lawyer will determine whether they believe they can successfully recover compensation for your injuries. If they believe that they can, they will likely take your case on a contingency fee basis, meaning that they will only receive a payment if they are successful in recovering compensation for you.

Illinois dog bite laws

In Illinois, there are specific personal injury laws related to dog bites and the liability of dog owners. An Illinois dog bite lawyer can help explain these laws and how they apply to your personal injury claim. Here are some ways that a lawyer can help you understand Illinois dog bite laws:

  1. Strict liability: In Illinois, dog owners are strictly liable for injuries caused by their dogs, regardless of whether or not the owner was negligent or knew about the dog's aggressive tendencies. A dog bite lawyer can explain this concept and how it applies to your case.

  2. Comparative negligence: Illinois also has a comparative negligence law, which means that if you were partially at fault for the dog attack, your compensation may be reduced proportionally. A lawyer can help you understand how this law applies to your case and how it may impact your compensation.

  3. Statute of limitations: There is a time limit for filing a dog bite injury claim in Illinois, and a lawyer can explain this deadline and the consequences of missing it.

An Illinois dog bite injuries lawyer can help you understand the state's laws related to dog bites and how they apply to your personal injury case. They can answer your questions, provide legal guidance, and help you navigate the legal process to ensure that your rights are protected and you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

What else does a dog bite injuries lawyer bring to the table?

An Illinois dog bite lawyer can also help you get more money for your dog bite injury compared to dealing with the insurance company and their payout offer. Here are some ways that a lawyer can help increase your compensation:

  • Expertise in dog bite cases: A lawyer who specializes in dog bite cases has experience dealing with insurance companies and knows how to negotiate for a fair settlement. They can use their expertise to maximize your compensation.

  • Understanding of the value of your case: A lawyer can help you understand the true value of your case. They can take into account all of the damages you have suffered, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

Lawyers help with the psychological impact of a dog attack

An Illinois dog bite lawyer can also help you find someone to help you with the psychological effects of a dog attack. Here are some ways that a lawyer can assist you in finding the right kind of psychological support:

  1. Referrals to mental health professionals: A dog bite injuries lawyer may have connections to mental health professionals who specialize in treating victims of dog attacks. They can refer you to someone who has experience helping people cope with the trauma of a dog bite.

  2. Understanding of the psychological impact: A lawyer who has experience working with dog bite victims understands the psychological impact a dog attack can have on a person. They can help you find someone who can provide the right kind of support based on your needs.

  3. Incorporating psychological damages into your case: A lawyer can help you understand the psychological damages you have suffered as a result of the dog attack. They can help you incorporate these damages into your case and seek compensation for them.

  4. Communicate psychological impact to the insurance company: A lawyer can help you negotiate with the insurance company to ensure that you receive compensation for the psychological damages you have suffered. They can use their expertise to argue for a fair settlement based on the full extent of your damages.

  5. Providing emotional support: In addition to connecting you with a mental health professional, a lawyer can also provide emotional support throughout the legal process. They can listen to your concerns and help you understand your rights and options.

Get in touch with a dog bite injuries lawyer today

As experienced dog bite lawyers, we understand the scope of trauma that comes with an encounter with a dangerous dog. Whether it’s serious injuries like disfigurement or more minor lacerations, you deserve compensation for your injury.

Do you need to discuss your legal options with a personal injury lawyer? Contact the law firm of Palermo Law Group for a free consultation.