Personal Injury News

Dog Attack Facts, Legal Implications, and Liabilities

Written by MARIO PALERMO | Aug 14, 2023 7:39:36 PM

Dog attacks can be traumatizing experiences, often leading to severe injuries and emotional distress. Understanding the legal implications and liabilities surrounding dog attacks is crucial, especially in the state of Illinois. In this blog post, we will delve into essential dog attack facts, discuss the legal framework in Illinois, and explore the liabilities that arise in such cases.

Dog Attack Facts

1. Frequency of Attacks: Dog bite attacks are unfortunately not uncommon in America. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur in the United States each year. The seriousness of these bites varies widely, from minor scratches to fatal dog bite injuries.

2. Common Targets: Children are most vulnerable to dog attacks due to their small stature and unpredictable movements. Postal workers and delivery personnel are also at an increased risk of being bitten while performing their duties.

3. Severity of Injuries: Dog bites can cause a range of injuries, including cuts, bruises, fractures, and infections. Some attacks result in permanent scarring or disfigurement, leading to psychological trauma in addition to physical harm, and in severe cases, they can be dog bite-related fatalities.

4. Factors Contributing to Attacks: Various factors can trigger a dog to attack, including fear, perceived threat, territorial instincts, and lack of socialization. Understanding these factors can help prevent attacks from occurring.

Legal Implications in Illinois

1. Strict Liability: In Illinois, the law operates under a strict liability framework for dog attacks. This means that pet owners are held liable for injuries their dogs cause, regardless of whether the dog has shown prior aggression or the dog owner was aware of the potential danger. The dog bite victim need only demonstrate that the attack was unprovoked.

2. Statute of Limitations: If you've been a victim of dog bites, it's important to take legal action promptly. In Illinois, the statute of limitations for filing a dog bite claim is generally two years from the date of the incident. Failing to file within this time frame can result in the loss of your right to seek compensation. Minors (children under the age of 18) typically have until their 20th birthday to file a lawsuit.

3. Comparative Negligence: Illinois follows a modified comparative negligence system. This means that if the victim's own actions contributed to the attack, their compensation may be reduced proportionally. If the victim is found to be 51% or more at fault, they may not be eligible for any compensation. In the context of a dog bite case, provoking the attack is the most common form of comparative negligence.

Liabilities in Dog Attack Cases

1. Owner's Responsibility: Dog owners in Illinois are responsible for their pets' behavior. If a dog attacks someone without provocation, the owner can be held liable for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages incurred by the victim.

2. Landlord Liability: In certain cases, landlords can also be held responsible for dog attacks that occur on their property, especially if they were aware of the dog's aggressive tendencies or allowed a dangerous breed on the premises.

3. Negligent Handling: If the owner's negligence, such as failure to properly leash or control the dog, directly contributed to the attack, the victim may have a stronger case for seeking compensation.

4. Defenses for Owners: Defenses that might be raised by dog owners include provocation (if the victim incited the attack), trespassing (if the victim was unlawfully on the owner's property), or assumption of risk (if the victim knowingly interacted with a potentially dangerous dog).

Different Ways Trauma is Inflicted on Dog Attack Victims

Dog attacks can lead to various forms of trauma that extend beyond physical injuries. Emotional and psychological trauma are also common, especially among children who may develop a fear of dogs or experience nightmares and anxiety following an attack. Additionally, victims may feel a sense of vulnerability and loss of control, impacting their overall quality of life.

Most Common Age Range of Dog Attack Victims

Children are the most common age group affected by dog attacks. They often lack the awareness and understanding of how to interact safely with dogs, and their smaller size makes them more susceptible to severe injuries. The age range of victims is typically from 5 to 9 years old, as their curiosity and unpredictable movements can inadvertently provoke a dog's defensive instincts.

Most Common Injuries Suffered

Dog attacks can lead to serious injuries that often require immediate medical care, emergency room visits, and even hospital stays, potentially resulting in liability claims for related injuries. The most common injuries suffered by dog attack victims include:

1. Puncture Wounds and Lacerations: Dog bites can cause deep puncture wounds and severe lacerations that may require stitches or even surgery to repair.

2. Infections and disease: Dog bites can introduce bacteria into the body, leading to infections. Cellulitis and septicemia are potential risks if the wounds are not promptly and properly treated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), domestic animals can carry rabies, almost always resulting in fatalities, so it’s important to consult a doctor.

3. Scarring and Disfigurement: Deep wounds and subsequent surgeries can result in permanent scarring and disfigurement, which can have significant psychological and emotional effects on the victim.

4. Fractures: The force of a dog attack can lead to broken bones, especially in cases where the victim falls or is knocked down during the attack.

5. Nerve Damage: Bites to certain areas of the body, such as the hands or face, can cause nerve damage, potentially leading to long-term pain, numbness, or loss of function.

6. Emotional Trauma: Victims of dog attacks may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and phobias related to dogs and the incident itself.

7. Head and Neck Injuries: Attacks to the head and neck can result in traumatic brain injuries, facial fractures, and damage to the eyes, ears, and throat.

8. Amputations: In severe cases, particularly with attacks involving large and powerful breeds, victims may face the possibility of amputation due to the extent of their injuries.

Understanding the potential injuries and trauma that can arise from dog attacks underscores the importance of preventing such incidents and taking appropriate legal action if they do occur.

Breeds of Dogs Most Frequently Seen in Dog Attacks

From common family dogs like Labrador retrievers, family dog, to Mastiffs, Boxers, Akitas, American Bulldogs, and mixed breeds in between, the reality is that any dog can attack. However, while it's important to note that any dog, regardless of breed, has the potential to exhibit aggressive behavior, dog bite statistics show certain dog breeds are more frequently involved in dog attacks. This can be due to a combination of factors, including size, strength, and historical breeding purposes.

Some of the breeds that are often associated with dog attacks include:

1. Pit Bull Terriers: Pit bulls are often at the center of discussions about dog attacks due to their strong build and historical use in dogfighting. However, it's crucial to recognize that not all pit bulls are aggressive, and many are well-socialized and loving pets.

2. Rottweilers: Rottweilers are known for their protective nature and strength. When not properly trained and socialized, they can become aggressive.

3. German Shepherds: These intelligent and loyal dogs are often used in law enforcement and military roles. While they can be excellent companions, improper training or handling can lead to aggression.

4. Bullmastiffs: Bullmastiffs were originally bred to guard estates and livestock. Their protective instincts can make them prone to aggression if not properly managed.

5. Huskies: Huskies have a strong prey drive and require ample exercise. If they become bored or lack proper training, they may exhibit aggressive behaviors.

6. Alaskan Malamutes: Similar to huskies, Alaskan Malamutes are working dogs with a lot of energy. Without appropriate outlets for their energy, they can become more prone to aggressive behavior.

7. Doberman Pinschers: Dobermans are known for their loyalty and protective nature. If not adequately trained and socialized, they can become territorial and aggressive.

8. Chow Chows: These dogs are known for their unique appearance and aloof nature. Without proper socialization, they can become aggressive and unpredictable.

It's important to emphasize that breed alone is not a definitive predictor of a dog's behavior. Factors such as socialization, training, upbringing, and individual temperament (especially with aggressive dogs) play significant roles in how a dog interacts with people and other animals.

Emphasizing dog bite prevention is essential to avoid injury, particularly in light of the potential risks associated with a dog bite incident or even a fatal dog attack. Responsible ownership, training, and early socialization are key in preventing dog attacks, regardless of the breed.

Steps a Dog Attack Victim Should Immediately Take After Being Attacked

Experiencing a dog attack can be a traumatic and overwhelming event. Taking the right steps immediately after the attack is crucial for ensuring your safety, well-being, and legal rights. Here's what you should do:

1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health and safety should be your top priority. If you've been injured by an animal bite, seek medical attention promptly. Even seemingly minor injuries could develop complications if left untreated.

2. Identify the Dog and Owner: If possible, identify the dog and its owner. This information will be important for legal and insurance purposes. Ask for the owner's contact information and the dog's vaccination history.

3. Gather Witness Information: If there were any witnesses to the attack, obtain their contact information. Their statements can provide valuable evidence should legal action be necessary.

4. Document the Scene: If you're able, take photos of your injuries, the location of the attack, and any relevant details. This visual evidence can be crucial when filing a personal injury claim.

5. Report the Incident: Contact your local animal control or law enforcement agency to report the dog attack. This helps establish an official record of the incident and may prevent future attacks by the same dog.

6. Get Medical Records: Obtain copies of your medical records related to the attack. These records will be important when seeking compensation for your injuries.

7. Preserve Evidence: Keep any clothing, personal items, or other evidence that may have been damaged during the attack. These items can serve as evidence in your case.

8. Consult an Attorney: Reach out to a personal injury attorney who specializes in dog attack cases. They can provide guidance on your legal rights, help you understand your options, and advise you on how to proceed.

9. Notify Insurance Companies: If you have health insurance, inform your provider about the attack. If the dog owner has homeowner's insurance, notify their insurance company as well.

10. Avoid Speaking with the Dog Owner's Insurance: Refrain from speaking with the dog owner's insurance company without consulting your attorney. Insurance adjusters may attempt to settle quickly for a lower amount than you deserve.

11. Document Your Recovery: Keep records of your medical treatments, medications, and any expenses related to your recovery. This documentation will be important when calculating your compensation.

12. Follow Legal Procedures: If you decide to pursue legal action, work closely with your attorney to follow the necessary legal procedures, meet deadlines, and build a strong case.

Remember, every case is unique, and the steps you need to take may vary based on your circumstances. Seeking legal advice and guidance from professionals who specialize in personal injury cases, particularly dog attacks, can help you navigate the complex legal process and increase your chances of receiving fair compensation for your injuries and damages.

Reasons Insurance Companies Might Try to Deny Paying a Claim to a Dog Attack Victim

While insurance companies are meant to provide coverage and financial support to victims in various situations, including dog attacks, there are instances where they may try to deny paying a claim. Understanding the potential reasons for denial can help you be prepared and take necessary steps to protect your rights. Here are some common reasons insurance companies might use to deny a claim from a dog attack victim:

1. Lack of Coverage: Some homeowner's insurance policies exclude coverage for certain breeds of dogs or specific incidents like dog attacks. If the dog involved in the attack is not covered under the policy, the insurance company might deny the claim.

2. Excessive Risk: Insurance companies might argue that the dog that caused the attack was known to be aggressive, had a history of attacks, or was on a list of prohibited breeds. They may claim that the policyholder failed to disclose this information, leading to denial.

3. Contributory Negligence: If the victim's actions contributed to the attack, the insurance company might argue that the victim shares part of the blame, reducing their liability for compensation.

4. Lack of Evidence: Insufficient evidence, such as medical records, eyewitness accounts, or documentation of the incident, can weaken a victim's claim. Insurance companies may seize this opportunity to deny payment.

5. Policy Exclusions: Some insurance policies have exclusions related to dog attacks, especially if the attack occurred outside the policyholder's property or if the dog was not properly restrained.

6. Uncooperative Behavior: If the victim does not cooperate fully with the insurance company's investigation or fails to provide requested information, the claim could be denied.

7. Late Reporting: Failing to report the incident to the insurance company in a timely manner might be used as a reason for denial, as it could hinder their ability to investigate and assess the situation.

8. Disputes about Liability: If there is a dispute about who is responsible for the attack, such as whether the victim provoked the dog, the insurance company might deny the claim until liability is resolved.

9. Failure to Mitigate Damages: Insurance companies may argue that the victim did not take reasonable steps to minimize their damages or failed to follow medical advice, leading to denial of payment for certain expenses.

10. Policy Lapses: If the policyholder's coverage was not active at the time of the incident due to missed payments or other reasons, the insurance company could deny the claim based on the lack of coverage.

It's important to remember that insurance companies are profit-driven entities, and their goal is to minimize payouts whenever possible. If your claim is denied, don't give up. Consult with a personal injury attorney who specializes in dog attack cases. They can review your situation, determine the validity of the denial, and help you take appropriate legal action to fight for the compensation you deserve.

Why It's Important to Consult with an Experienced Dog Attack Lawyer About Getting Compensation for Your Injuries

Suffering injuries from a dog attack can be physically, emotionally, and financially devastating. Consulting with an experienced dog attack lawyer is crucial to ensure your rights are protected and you receive fair compensation for your injuries. Here's why seeking legal assistance is essential:

1. Understanding of the Legal Process: Experienced dog attack lawyers have a deep understanding of the legal process involved in personal injury cases. They know the specific laws, regulations, and procedures related to dog attacks, and can guide you through every step.

2. Case Evaluation: A skilled attorney can evaluate the strength of your case. They will assess the evidence, review medical records, and determine the potential value of your claim, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

3. Maximizing Compensation: An attorney's knowledge and negotiation skills can help you pursue the maximum compensation you deserve. They will advocate on your behalf and work to ensure you are not unfairly pressured into accepting a low settlement.

4. Proving Liability: Establishing liability in a dog attack case can be complex. An experienced lawyer can gather evidence, interview witnesses, and build a strong case to prove the dog owner's responsibility for your injuries.

5. Navigating Insurance Companies: Dealing with insurance companies can be challenging. Attorneys are well-versed in handling insurance adjusters and their tactics, ensuring your rights are protected and that you don't fall victim to unfair practices.

6. Understanding Legal Deadlines: Every state has a statute of limitations that dictates the timeframe within which you can file a lawsuit. Missing this deadline could result in losing your right to seek compensation. An attorney will ensure all legal deadlines are met.

7. Advocacy in Court: If negotiation with the insurance company doesn't yield a fair settlement, an experienced attorney can take your case to court. They will present your case persuasively and represent your interests during trial.

8. Reducing Stress: Dealing with the aftermath of a dog attack can be overwhelming. Having a knowledgeable lawyer by your side can alleviate some of the stress by handling legal matters on your behalf.

9. Peace of Mind: When you're focused on recovering from your injuries, having a lawyer to handle the legal aspects of your case provides peace of mind, allowing you to concentrate on your well-being.

10. No Upfront Costs: Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. This arrangement ensures that you can seek legal representation without worrying about upfront costs.

Consulting with an experienced dog bite lawyer is critical to ensuring your rights are protected, your case is properly evaluated, and you receive fair compensation for your injuries and damages. By having a legal advocate who understands the complexities of dog attack cases, you can focus on your recovery while your lawyer navigates the legal process to secure the best possible outcome for you.

Call Palermo Law Group today at (630) 684-2332 for a free consultation with nationally recognized personal injury lawyer, Mario Palermo regarding the best approach to obtaining compensation for your injuries.

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